• Ayreon "01011001 - Live Beneath The Waves CDDVD"
kod EAN: 8712725747734nr kat.: 8712725747734

Ayreon "01011001 - Live Beneath The Waves CDDVD"

  • Wykonawca: AYREON Tytuł: 01011001 - Live Beneath The Waves CDDVD
Wytwórnia: MASCOT
    Disc 1
    1 March of the machines
    2 Age of shadows
    3 Comatose
    4 Liquid eternity
    5 Connect the dots
    6 Beneath the waves
    7 Newborn race
    8 Ride the comet
    9 Web of lies
    10 The fifth extinction
    11 Waking dreams
    12 The truth is in here
    13 Unnatural selection
    14 River of time
    15 E = MC2
    16 The sixth extinction
    17 peech
    18 This human equation
    19 Fate of man
    20 The day that the world breaks down
    Disc 2
    1 March of the machines
    2 Age of shadows
    3 Comatose
    4 Liquid eternity
    5 Connect the dots
    6 Beneath the waves
    7 Newborn race
    8 Ride the comet
    9 Web of lies
    10 The fifth extinction
    11 Waking dreams
    12 The truth is in here
    13 Unnatural selection
    14 River of time
    15 E = MC2
    16 The sixth extinction
    17 Speech
    18 his human equation
    19 Fate of man
    20 The day that the world breaks down
87,00 zł
/ szt.
status_iconProdukt dostępny w bardzo dużej ilości
Zwroty towarów do 30 dni
Szybka wysyłka w ciągu 48h
Firma z tradycją 
Ponad 20 tys. różnych tytułów
Zapytaj o produkt

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