• Rage "Welcome To The Other Side"
kod EAN: 4046661709926nr kat.: 4046661709926

Rage "Welcome To The Other Side"

  • Wykonawca: RAGE Tytuł: Welcome To The Other Side
Wytwórnia: SPV
    CD 1
    1: Trauma (instrumental)
    2: Paint the devil on the wall
    3: The mirror in your eyes
    4: R.i.p.
    5: One more time
    6: Requiem (instrumental)
    7: I'm crucified
    8: No lies
    9: Point of no return
    10: Leave it all behind
    11: Deep in the night
    12: Welcome to the other side
    13: Lunatic (instrumental)
    14: Riders on the moonlight
    15: Straight to hell
    16: After the end
    17: Sister demon
    CD 2
    1: Straight to hell (edit)
    2: Don't fear the winter (version 2001)
    3: Point of no return (rough mix)
    4: No lies (rough mix)
    5: Greetings to russian fans #
    6: Greetings to moscow fans #
    7: Overture*
    8: From the cradle to the grave*
    9: Days of december*
    10: Back in time*
    11: Higher than the sky*
62,00 zł
/ szt.
status_iconProdukt dostępny w bardzo dużej ilości
Zwroty towarów do 30 dni
Szybka wysyłka w ciągu 48h
Firma z tradycją 
Ponad 20 tys. różnych tytułów
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