• Bloodbound "The Tales of Nosferatu EARBOOK"
kod EAN: 884860562027nr kat.: 884860562027

Bloodbound "The Tales of Nosferatu EARBOOK"

  • Wykonawca: BLOODBOUND Tytuł: The Tales of Nosferatu EARBOOK
Wytwórnia: AFM
    1. Bloodtale
    2. Tales from the North
    3. Slayer of Kings
    4. In the Name of Metal
    5. When Fate Is Calling
    6. A New Era Begins
    7. Battle in the Sky
    8. Drink with the Gods
    9. The Warlock's Trail
    10. Moria
    11. Creatures of the Dark Realm
    12. Rise of the Dragon Empire
    13. Nosferatu
    14. Made of Steel Trackliste: Bloodtales
    15. Tales from the North
    16. Slayer of Kings
    17. In the Name of Metal
    18. When Fate Is Calling
    19. A New Era Begins
    20. Battle in the Sky
    21. Drink with the Gods
    22. The Warlock's Trail
    23. Moria
    24. Creatures of the Dark Realm
    25. Rise of the Dragon Empire
    26. Nosferatu
    27. Made of Steel
    28. Trackliste: Bloodtales
    29. Battle in the Sky
    30. Dragons Are Forever
    31. Rise of the Dragon Empire
    32. Trackliste: Tales from the North
    33. Drink with the Gods
    34. Creatures of the Dark Realm
    35. Rise of the Dragon Empire
    36. Battle in the Sky
    37. Stormborn
    38. In the Name of Metal
161,00 zł
/ szt.
Zwroty towarów do 30 dni
Szybka wysyłka w ciągu 48h
Firma z tradycją 
Ponad 20 tys. różnych tytułów
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