• Curious Bards, The "Indiscretion"
kod EAN: 3149020948330nr kat.: 3149020948330

Curious Bards, The "Indiscretion"

  • Wykonawca: CURIOUS BARDS, THE Tytuł: Indiscretion
    1. Anonymous: Jigs "Robbin Powers Fancy - Miss Douglas Brigton's Jigg - Cosey's Jigg"
    2. Anonymous: Strathspeys "Miss Clementina Sarah Drummond of Perth - the Marquis of Huntley's Farewell - Mr Moore's Strathspey"
    3. O'Carolan: Song "Mable Kelly"
    4. Anonymous: Reels "Miss Rose of Tarlogie's Reel - Colonel MC Beans Reel - Mr Reid's Reel - Anonymous"
    5. Anonymous: Air & 2 Slip Jigs "Huntingtone Castle - I Have a Wife O' My Ain - Hey Me Nancy"
    6. Anonymous: Lament "Daughters Lament"
    7. Anonymous: Song "The Tears of Scotland"
    8. Anonymous: Airs "And Thou Wert My Own Thing - John Hays Bonny Lassie"
    9. Anonymous: Reels "The Perthsire Hunt - Mrs James Erskine of Kirkwall's Reel - Mrs Gillespies Reel"
    10. O'Carolan: Air "Miss Noble"
    11. Anonymous: Song "By Moonlight on the Green"
    12. Anonymous: Variations "Jackie Latin"
    13. Anonymous: Reels "The Honorable Miss Rollo's Reel - Drunken Friday - Kelo House"
    14. Anonymous: Variations "Fy Gar"
    15. Anonymous: Reels "Scots Lament By Mr Oswald - Miss Preston Ferntons Reel - Miss Johnstons Reel - the Countis of London's Reel"
    16. O'Carolan: Song "Fanny Dillon"
    17. Anonymous: Hornpipes "Morepeth Rant - the Cruskeen Lawn - N%C2%B0 2"
    18. Anonymous: Song "Old Towler"
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