• Deicide "Once Upon The Cross Serpents Of The Light
kod EAN: 5013929021860nr kat.: 5013929021860

Deicide "Once Upon The Cross Serpents Of The Light

  • Wykonawca: DEICIDE Tytuł: Once Upon The Cross Serpents Of The Light
    "Once upon the cross"
    1 Once upon the cross
    2 Christ denied
    3 When Satan rules his world
    4 Kill the Christian
    5 Trick or betrayed
    6 They are the children of the underworld
    7 Behind the light thou shall rise
    8 To be dead
    9 Confessional rape
    "Serpents of the light"
    1 Serpents of the light
    2 Bastard of Christ
    3 Blame it on God
    4 This is hell we're in
    5 I am no one
    6 Slave to the cross
    7 Creatures of habit
    8 Believe the lie
    9 The truth above
    10 Father Baker's
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